
Clover v2.9.0 – Real-Time Messaging, Audio & Video Conferencing Web App – Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IO


Clover – Messaging & Conferencing

Clover is an instant messaging & conferencing web app with audio / video capabilities, both in one-to-one calls and in group calls with multiple remote peers!

Latest News

The latest stable release (with meetings) is 2.9.0. It has been updated in 2024 with Vite support. More info about Vite here.

Live Preview

You can register with your email, or you can use these two demo accounts: Password: envato. In order to test video / audio calling, please remove the Envato frame from the live preview.


Clover requires a private server or cloud instance with (at least) 2GB of RAM.

We provide a fully automated installation script that works on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, 20.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS that will save you a lot of time and a huge headache!

Honeyside Support

Welcome to the Honeyside experience! You can access the full Clover documentation online. We are here for you, even before purchase ❤

Latest news and updates:

  • Support us on Patreon to get priority updates on our development plan, Github repo access and voting power on new features.
  • Follow us on LinkedIn
  • Follow us on Instagram
  • Follow us here on Envato!

Clover - Real-Time Messaging, Audio & Video Conferencing Web App - Node.js, React, WebRTC, Socket.IO - 1


Clover offers a lot of features, we encourage you to try them all out in the demo app!

  • Instant Messaging through Socket.IO
  • Group conversation rooms
  • Audio / Video one-to-one and one-to-many via WebRTC
  • Adding another peer to an existing call
  • Muting local audio or local video
  • Switching between audio and video call
  • Video cover / contain button during call
  • Sending images, even multiple images at once
  • Emoji support with “bubble removal” for emoji-only messages
  • Profile image
  • Nice login / register page
  • Admin panel to create, edit and delete users
  • Mobile version, phone and tablet, for instant messaging! Audio and video calls will now work on mobile!
  • IPv6 support
  • Email password reset

Framework and Libraries

Clover is a MERN application, developed using Node.js – Express – MongoDB on the backend and React – Redux on the frontend. It also relies heavily on Socket.IO and mediasoup WebRTC. Mediasoup is more stable than standard WebRTC and does not require a STUN / TURN server.

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Original price was: $24.95.Current price is: $7.45.